How to Make Narcissists Regret Losing You?


Number 4: Accept that they won’t change.

You can try to get a narcissist to change, but you’re probably not going to succeed. If you want to make narcissists regret losing you then accepted that they won’t change. You might even think that if you just explain how they’re hurting you, they’ll realize what they’ve done, and apologize profusely.

The problem is that narcissists don’t see anything wrong with themselves, they think you may not be able to change narcissists, but you can change your life by focusing on what matters most to you. It may be challenging, but accepting reality is an important step in dealing with narcissists and making them regret it. Accept that they won’t change and start focusing on loving yourself.

Number 5: Cut off all contact with them.

Narcissists are obsessed with control and approval; they’ll regret losing you if you make it clear that you don’t care about them. They have an extreme sense of vulnerability and need to be validated constantly. So, if you cut off all contact with them, they will feel like they lost something important to them. By cutting off contact completely, you’ll force them to deal with their feelings of rejection and abandonment on their own.

Cut off all contact with narcissists, no matter what they say or do. Don’t respond to their texts or calls, don’t answer the door if they come knocking, block them all on social media platforms, and avoid going to the same places as them. If they reach out again, just repeat your decision “I’m not interested in continuing this relationship”.

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