10 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship With A Female Narcissist


Toxic relationships are everywhere sometimes, you don’t even realize that you’re in one until it’s too late. And by then, you’ve already become so used to the ways things are that it seems normal.

Female narcissists can be magnetic and engaging, but they also have a dark side that can be very dangerous to those who get too close. If you recognize any of the following signs in your relationship with the female narcissist, get out while you still can. Read until the end because we will show you 10 signs you’re in a toxic relationship with a female narcissist.

Number 1: You feel like your relationship is all about her.

A female narcissist will make you feel like your relationship is all about her, she will use her charm and wit to draw you into her web of deceit, and she’ll tell you precisely what you want to hear about yourself and the relationship. How did she think you should act or behave? She’ll praise you for being so intelligent, funny, and attractive.

Whatever qualities she finds most attractive in a partner, she’ll ensure everyone knows how great she thinks you are. She will constantly ask you to do things for her, and if you don’t! She’ll get angry and question why you aren’t doing them. And if she does something for you it’s never enough, she’ll want a lot more in return for what little she did. She’ll make you feel like everything is about her, even when it’s about you.

Number 2: You feel like you’re not good enough as her partner.

When you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, getting caught up in the drama and allure of her charm can be easy. You’ll probably think that she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, wonder how you ever got so lucky to have her, and then worry about whether she will leave you for someone better.

Female narcissists will make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. In reality, the wrong is in them, you will feel like you’re not good enough for your partners. They’ll do things like pretending your success somehow diminishes theirs. Ignore or belittle your accomplishments, and ensure everyone knows how better their partner is. Female narcissists are never satisfied with their partners, they always want more, better, and different.

Number 3: You feel like you’re constantly apologizing for things that aren’t your fault.

Suppose you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, you’ll often feel like you’re constantly apologizing for things that aren’t your fault. A female narcissist will feel better than you and have more power than you, she’ll try to make you feel like you can be abrasive and mean. They are masters of making other people feel bad about themselves, and they do it by making it seem like it’s your fault for everything that goes wrong in their lives.

Number 4: You’re always the one who has to make plans and take responsibility.

Female narcissists will make you feel like you’re always making plans and taking responsibility. They’ll lie to you and tell you that they can’t go out because of a work emergency, so you have to go out without them and feel hurt or lonely. They’ll put on a front of being super busy with work and school, but then never actually do anything except sit around all day on social media. They’ll call themselves busy when they’re just lazy.

It can be frustrating when you’re in a relationship with a female narcissist, they’re manipulative and controlling, and they’ll make you feel like you need to be the one who plans everything; buys all the gifts, and takes responsibility for everything. As a partner, you feel like you’re doing all of the work, your partner is just coasting along without lifting a finger.

Number 5: She never expresses gratitude for what you do for her but instead complains.

You’re probably not getting enough gratitude if you’re dating a female narcissist. They will not thank you when you take her out to see a movie or when she’s sick and you bring her soup, she will complain if she doesn’t like the film or it isn’t spicy enough.

Instead of gratitude, she constantly complains not just about the small things that don’t matter, she’ll complain about important things like your career or your family responsibilities. Female narcissists never express gratitude is simple, they don’t know.

Number 6: She starts to get jealous of your success.

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend together or how much you try to reassure her. You’ve been dating your girlfriend for years, and everything was going great until you started getting more successful. Now, she’s getting jealous of your success. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend together or try to reassure her, she thinks that if she’s not the center of attention then no one will be.

She’ll feel like she has no value unless people tell her how amazing she is. She’ll constantly try to make herself seem better than everyone else; even though deep down inside, she knows that she’s not as good as other people.

She gets angry when she thinks people try to take advantage of her, even if they’re just trying to help and she feels entitled to everything including her heart. She’s convinced that everyone is out to get her, and she’ll fight dirty to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Number 7: She is never willing to admit that she’s wrong.

No matter what happens, no matter how often she gets caught in lies or manipulative behavior. You know how this works if you’ve ever been in a relationship with a female narcissist. The more you point out her flaws and lies, the more she digs into denial and deceit.

This is because female narcissists are never willing to admit that they’re wrong, no matter what happens. No matter how many times they get caught in lies or manipulative behavior, they just keep going on the same course, acting as if nothing is wrong.

They will continue to insist that everything is fine and the problem lies with you. A narcissist will always try to make you feel guilty for your actions and even make up excuses for why they did it in the first place.

Number 8: She refuses to listen to you or dismisses your feelings as invalid.

When you try to tell her how you feel, she rolls her eyes and tells you she doesn’t care. She might say things like “I’m not the one who’s upset” She might also tell you that she doesn’t want to talk about it because she doesn’t care about your feelings.

Female narcissists will show little to no empathy; even if they are upset. They will also accuse you of being too sensitive and tell you that you’re overreacting. They may give you the cold shoulder and ignore you for days or weeks. When they finally respond, it is usually only when they need something from you.

Number 9: She never wants to talk about your problems or concerns.

She’ll dismiss them as insignificant or unimportant. In a female narcissist relationship, the narcissist will often tell you that your feelings are invalid. They may say they’re not interested in what you’re saying or don’t care about your opinion.

The female narcissist will also refuse to listen to you when talking about something important. If you say something she will ignore it or change the subject, she might even talk over you and tell you that she doesn’t want to hear. This is especially common when the female narcissist disagrees with what you’re saying. She wants to be correct, so she’ll shut down any argument with silence and a blank face.

Number 10: She’ll often bring up past issues and make it seem like they’re still happening even though they’ve been resolved.

It’s a “hovering tactic,” which means sucking you back in, they’ll do this because they want to keep you around to feel better about themselves. This is a way to try and gain control over situations that have already ended because the narcissist feels like she’s still in charge.

She may do this because she wants to control you by making you feel guilty, or indebted to her for something she did. It’s important not to fall for this manipulation tactic, you need to express your feelings about what happened without feeling guilty or indebted to her. If you’re in a toxic relationship with a female narcissist, you may be dealing with some intense highs and lows.

Remember that if you can break free from the cycle, you will heal yourself in your life and move on. The female narcissist will play her role until she no longer uses you, she’ll quickly shelve you like some old book written by someone more interesting, and she will continue the pattern over again with her next victim.

Read More: 9 Ways to Deal With a Narcissistic Wife

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