Top 7 Things Narcissists Will Do When You Go No Contact


Have you ever wondered what narcissistic people do when you have no contact with them? Do they miss you? Wonder where you are or even care about the truth that you’ve cut the connection with them? Narcissists are masters of manipulation, which means that when you have no contact, they will do everything in their power to get back into your life.

Here are 7 things narcissists will do when you go no contact:

Number 1: Narcissists get very angry and frustrated.

They get very angry and frustrated when you have no contact, they don’t like it when someone doesn’t want them or feels they’re not in control of their relationship. Narcissists are so used to getting their way in everything. So, if they want something from you, they’ll do whatever it takes to get it.

And once you’ve given them what they want, they are done with you. Narcissists don’t care about the damage they cause or how much pain they inflict on other people, they don’t care about anyone but themselves. That’s how it works for them; they may become more aggressive or even violent toward you when you have no contact with them.

Narcissists get very angry and frustrated when you reject their advances and push back against their attempts to control your life or manipulate your emotions. This is because this isn’t what they expected. They feel rejected, and let their power over you have been taken away.

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